East Preston and Kingston statistics and further information (Part 2)
by R W Standing of East Preston 2004

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1861 Census                                                     occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - Groves Cottage [Bailiffs]                                 William Groves  40                     farm bailiff                                  6                      -                       -

2 - "Preston Place"                                            RA Warren 41                            solicitor farmer 41                      15                     7                      -

3 - Apple Tree & Jasmin Cottages                       Thomas Bushby 65                    ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Stafford 44                    ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

4 - Forge Cottage                                               James Booker 57                       blacksmith                                3                      -                       -

6 - Gardeners Cottage                                        Hugh Alexander 27                     gardener                                    2                      -                       -

7 - Wistaria Cottage                                           Joseph Ede 49                           ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

8 - Barn Row Cottages                                       William Bushby 63                     ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        John Neal 30                             ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Redman   71                     ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        Alfred Bushby 28                       ag lab                                       4                      -                       1

                                                                        John Baker 42                           ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

9 - Manor House                                                Stephen Clements 35                 ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

            2a                                                         James Corney 62                       carpenter                                   2                      -                       -

            2b                                                         Mathew Birchfield 29                  ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

10 - House on Bend                                           John Barnett 32                         ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

                                                                        George Jupp 27                         blacksmith                                5                      -                       -

                                                                        Edward Mills 61                         ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

14 - Old Yews                                                    Susanna Slater  70                     fund holder                                1                      -                       -

15 - Baytree House                                            Mary Gilbert 35                          farmer                                       4                      -                       -

17 - The Rosery                                                 Eliza Richardson 50                   housekeeper                              2                      -                       -          

18 - Slaters Cottage                                           William Redman 29                    ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

19 - Winters "beer shop"                         Henry Farmaner 51                    shoemaker                                2                      -                        -

20 - Preston Cottage                                          Henry Slater 49                          proprietor of land                        5                      -                       2

26 - North Lane Cottages                                    Maria Baker 78                          prop houses                              2                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Barnett 48                     ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

                                                                        William Baker 47                       ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        James Barnett 64                       ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

29 - Boxtree Cottages                                        Mary Etherington 24                   sailors wife                                2                      -                       -

                                                                        Stephen Ayling 48                      ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

Village School noted                                         

32 - Baytree Cottage                                          Henry Leggett 46                       ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

33 - Jackmans Cottage                                       Mary Bushby 87                        nil                                             1                      -                       -

36 - Beehive Cottages                                        Henry Charman 43                     ag lab                                       8                      -                       1

                                                                        Naomi Jupp 79                           nil                                             1                      -                       -

                                                                        Mary Collins 88                          nil                                             2                      -                       -

38 - The Homestead                                           John Haines 43                          farm bailiff                                  2                      -                       -

39 - Homestead Cottages                                   John Barnett 60                         ag lab                                       1                      -                       -

                        "--- Lodge"                                 Mary Leal 38                             laundress                                  3                      -                       1

42 - Nelsons Cottage                                          George Barnett 57                      farmer                                       5                      -                       -

43 - Coastguard Cottages  "CG Station"               Henry Davis 48                          Lieut RN                                    4                      1                      -                      

            [11 listed]                                              Jeremiah Jenkins 32                   CG                                           4                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 50                         CG                                           6                      -                       -

                                                                        John Smith 55                           CG                                           7                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Taylor 40                       CG                                           5                      -                       -

                                                                        James White 39                         CG                                           7                      -                       -

                                                                        Alexander Pengilly 45                 comm boatman                          7                      -                       -

                                                                        William Hawes 53                      chief boatman                            7                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Samways 37                 CG                                           5                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Glue 35                        CG                                           3                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Lobbay 40                       CG                                           5                      -                       -

45 - Sea Cottages                                              Eli Barnett 27                            ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

46 - Seaview                                                      Hannah Downer 59                     shares                                      4                      -                       1

47 - Sea Cottage                                                Jane Knight 59                           washerwoman                            2                      -                       -

52 - Park Field   "Park Cottage"                           Martin Mustian 47                      farmer                                       8                      -                       -

53 - Union Workhouse                                        John Harding 41             master                                      4                      -                        -



Whole Village    56 notional Houses                    154 males         166 females       320 total

Village              42 inhabited  1 uninhabited         81                     89                     170

Coastguard        11 dwellings                              30                     30                     60

Park Field Cott  1 dwelling                                  3                      5                      8

Workhouse        1 house             officers              2                      4

                                                inmates             38                     38                     82

Averages for households Village 4.05       Coastguard 5.45            Combined 4.34


The Manor House probably counted as two houses, with one divided between two families, but for the above statistics every dwelling is counted making 56 in all. 

Only those few houses in quotes were named, together with a note of the School.  New buildings comprise Gardeners Cottage, and a pair of Sea Cottages.   The village was enumerated beginning at Slaters in the Street, westwards on that side via Baytree and Forge Cottage to Grove Cottage and then back on the other side via Manor House, Old Yews and Winters, then to the Homestead, and back oddly to Barn Row, returning to Beehives, and so to the Coast Cottages.  Perhaps by taking the Coastguards in two sections the enumerator gave a total of 9 instead of 11 for those cottages. It is peculiar how the Coastguards cottages numbered 11 in this census but usually 10, as if they were adapted to suit.  It is notable that the whole village appears to be Preston Street.


1871 Census                                                     occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - "Groves Cottage"                                           William Groves 50                      farm bailiff                                  8                      -                       -

2 - Preston Place                                               RA Warren 51                            landowner                                  16                     7                      -

3 - Apple Tree & Jasmin Cottages                       Charles Chessale 72                  farm servant                               3                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Stafford 44                       ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

4 - Forge Cottage                                               James Booker 68                       blacksmith                                3                      -                       -

6 - Gardeners Cottage                                        Charles Stafford 48                     gardener                                    2                      -                       -

7 - Wistaria Cottage                                           Richard Parsons 43                    gardener                                    3                      -                       -

8 - "Barn Row" Cottages                         Alfred Bushby 38                       ag lab                                       7                      -                        -

                                                                        Henry Redman 82                      ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

                                                                        John Neal 43                             ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

                                                                        William Bushby 73                     ag lab                                       4                      -                       1

                                                                        Thomas Stafford 54                    ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

9 - Manor House                                                William Foreman 26                   railway worker                            3                      -                       -

                                                                        Francis Mills 63                         nil                                             5                      -                       2

                                                                        John Baker 50                           ag lab                                       6                      -                       3

10 - House on Bend                                           Edward Daniels 43                     ag lab                                       9                      -                       -

                                                                        Edwin Clere 26                          ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        James Mills 33                          ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

14 - Old Yews                                                    Susana Slater 84                       annuitant                                   1

15 - "Baytree House"                                          George Morton 51                      retired chemist                           4                      1                      -

16 - "South Sea Cottage"                                    Davis Reeks 25                          annuitant                                   6                      1                      -

17 - The Rosery "Alma Cottage"                          Walter Reeks 29                        was a clerk                                3                      -                       -

18 - Slaters Cottages                                         William Redman 39                    ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

                        "butchers"                                 William Farmaner                       gardener                                    2                      -                       -

19 - Winters - "Three Crowns PH"                        Henry Farmaner 61                    publican                                    3                      -                       -

20 - "Preston Cottage"                                        Henry Reeks 24                         annuitant                                   3                      1                      -

26 - North Lane Cottages                                    William Barnett   "shop"             ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        William Baker 56                       ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Barnett 58                     ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        Alfred Baker 32                          mariner                                     4                      -                       -

27 - Elm Tree Cottage                                        Albert Booker 27                        blacksmith                                2                      -                       -

29 - Boxtree Cottages                                        Sarah Ayling 23                         mariners wife                             3                      -                       -

                                                                        Stephen Ayling 57                      ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

30 - Shorewell House                                         in building                                                                                  0                      -                       -

32 - Baytree Cottage                                          Gad Heath 25                            baker                                        3                      -                       -

33 - Jackmans Cottage                                       Mary Hailfield 29                        mariners wife                             2                      -                       -

36 - Beehive Cottages                                        Arthur Williams 24                     policeman                                 2                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Charman 53                     ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 65                         ag lab                                       1                      -                       -

38 - The Homestead  "farm house"                      John Haines 53                          farmer                                       3                      -                       -

39 - Homestead Cottages                                   George Redman 52                    ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 41                         ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

42 - Nelsons Cottage                                          Nelson Barnett 33                      market gardener             2                      -                        -

43 - "Coast Guard Station"                                  Henry Loft 51                             chief officer                                2                      -                       -

            [10 inhabited]                                         James January 35                      2nd officer                                 4                      -                       -

                                                                        James Bly 43                            AB                                            9                      -                       -

                                                                        William Ward 34                        CG                                           4                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Lobbay 50                       comm boatman                          4                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Hawes 31                       AB  RN                                     3                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Norris 40                          AB  CG                                     5                      -                       -

                                                                        David Flavin 34                           boat mate                                  5                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Symes 40                     gunners mate                            7                      -                       -

                                                                        George Harris 39                        AB  CG                                     7                      -                       -

45 - Sea Cottages                                              George Barnett 65                      carrier                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        Esther Farmaner 27                   mariners wife                             1                      -                       -

46 - Seaview                                                      Hannah Downer 69                     interest money                           6                      -                       -

47 - Sea Cottage                                                Jane Knight 68                           annuitant                                   2                      -                       -

52 - "Park Field Cottage"                                    Martin Mustchin 52                    cattle dealer                              4                      1                      -

53 - Union "Workhouse"                                     John Harding 51             master                                      5                      -                        -

Those few places in quotes were named in the census  .New buildings comprise South Sea, a second Slaters Cottage, Elm Tree, and Shorewell.  The enumerator began at South Sea the east to the Three Crowns, south to Sea Cottages, then returned to Baytree and so to Preston Place and Groves, but with Apple Tree out of sequence. 



Whole Village    59 notional Houses                    159 males         176 females       335 total

Village              46 inhabited  1 building               85                     105                   190

Coastguard        10 dwellings                              25                     25                     50

Park Field Cott  1 dwelling                                  3                      1                      4

Workhouse        1 house             officers              3                      3

                                                inmates             43                     42                     91

Averages for households Village 4.13       Coastguard 5.00            Combined 4.29


1881 Census                                                     occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - Groves Cottage                                             William Cooper  57                     farm bailiff                                  5                      1                      -

2 - "Preston Place"                                            RA Warren 61                            solicitor and farmer                     6                      3                      -

3 - Apple Tree & Jasmin Cottages                       Frederick P Mills 45                   farm lab                         5                      -                        -

                                                                        Charles Etherington 38               cowman                                    10                     -                       -

4 - Forge Cottage                                               Albert Booker 36                        blacksmith                                8                      -                       -

6 - Gardeners Cottage                                        William Parsons 31                    domestic gardener                     4                      -                       -

7 - Wistaria Cottage                                           Thomas Stafford 63                    ag lab                                       4                      -                       2

8 - "Barn Row" Cottages                         Edwin Johnson 49                      ag lab                                       4                      -                        -

                                                                        Alfred Bushby 47                       ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

                                                                        George Roberts 25                     ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        William Parsons 23                    ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        Stephen Bushby 50                    ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

9 - Manor House "old farm house"                       James Ayling 55                        shepherd                                   5                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Green 47                        ag lab                                       9                      -                       -

10 - House on Bend                                           James Mills 43                          ag lab                                       10                     -                       -

                                                                        William Mills 57                         shepherd                                   3                      -                       -

14 - Old Yews demolished                                                                                                                                  0                      -                       -

15 - "Baytree House"                                          Andrew Vogan 78                       clergyman without cure               4                      2                      -

16 - "South Sea Cottage"                                    John Harding 61             retired                                       2                      -                        -

17 - The Rosery "Alma Cottage"                          Henry Grant 74                          baker retired                              2                      -                       -

18 - Slaters Cottages                                         William Redman 49                    ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Stedman 29                  rail porter                                   5                      -                       3

19 - Winters  "Three Crowns" Inn             John Jeffrie 69                            inn keeper                                 2                      -                        -

20 - "Preston Cottage"                                        George Corney 40                      school att. officer                       10                     -                       2

26 - North Lane Cottages                                    Charlotte Capel 59                     grocer                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        George Redman 62                    ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Barnett 68                     ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        Alfred Baker 42                          gardeners lab                             8                      -                       -

27 - Elm Tree Cottage                                        William Roberts 30                     mariner                                     5                      -                       -

29 - Boxtree Cottages                                        Ruful Ayling 39                          bricklayers lab                           8                      -                       -

                                                                        Stephen Ayling 67                      ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

30 - Shorewell House                                         Henry Farmaner 71                    boot maker                                2                      -                       -

31 - "Lorne Villa"                                                Alfred Brind MICF 42                  Govt India retired                        8                      3                      -

32 - Baytree Cottage                                          William Farmaner 42                  coal merchant                            3                      -                       -

34 - Jackmans Cottages new                              George Caplin 38                       timber sawyer                            4                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Varnly 31                         policeman                                 4                      -                       -

                                                                        Ellen Farr 59                              needlewoman                            4                      -                       -

                                                                        Esther Farmaner 37                   master mariner wife                    1                      -                       -

35 - Louisa Villas                                               Robert Clough 63                       coal merchant                            2                      -                       -

                                                                        Andrew Doig 56                         farm bailiff                                  7                      -                       -

36 - Beehive Cottages                                        George Wilmer 36                      under gardener                           2                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Charman 63                     ag lab                                       5                      -                       2

                                                                        uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

38 - The Homestead                                           John Haines 63                          farmer                                       3                      -                       -

39 - Homestead Cottages                                   Charles Caplin 35                       timber sawyer                            8                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 51                         ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

42 - Nelsons Cottage                                          Nelson Barnett 40                      florist                                        3                      1                      -

43 - "Coast Guard Station"                                  Edward Bird 48                          chief officer                                5                      -                       -

            [only 7 inhabited]                                   Thomas Parsons 34                   comm boatman                          2                      -                       -

                                                                        James Morris 28                        boatman                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Symes 49                     comm boatman                          5                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Tate 36                         comm boatman                          2                      -                       -

                                                                        James Wenn 34             boatman                                    3                      -                        -

                                                                        James January 45                      chief boatman                            7                      -                       -

            3 CG cottages                                       uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

45 - "Sea Cottages"                                           William Ayling 33                       jobbing gardener                        3                      -                       -

                                                                        uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Barnett 32                     mariner                                     4                      -                       -

46 - "Sea View"                                                 Hannah Harvey 55                      dom companion                         2                      2                      -

53 - Union Workhouse                                        George Harding 33                     master                                      4                      -                       -


New houses since 1871 comprise Lorne Villa, the four new Jackmans Cottages, Louisa Villas, a third Sea Cottage, the old Sea Cottage having become the coastguard boathouse.  Old Yews is demolished.  Park Cottage now included in Angmering parish.  Almost the whole village was listed under Preston Street, except the House on Bend listed under Sea Lane as it is named today.  The enumerator began his tour at Groves Cottage and proceeded south to Baytree House and to House on Bend, returning to continue south along the Street down to Sea Cottages.  An increase in population for the whole village partly resulted from the enlarged Union and new workhouse.








Whole Village    61 notional Houses                    223 males         197 females       420 total

Village              48 inhabited  2 uninhabited         112                   115                   227

Coastguard        7 inhabited 3 uninhabited            14                     14                     28

Workhouse        1 house             officers              2                      5

                                                inmates             95                     63                     165

Averages for households Village 4.73       Coastguard 4.00            Combined 4.64


1891 Census                                                     occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - Groves Cottage "Bailiffs House"                      Jacob W Wheeler 58                  farm steward                              3                      -                       -

2 - "Preston Place"                                            RA Warren 71                            JP for Sussex                            8                      4                      -

3 - Apple Tree & Jasmin Cottages                       Fred P Mills 57                          ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

                                                                        Chas Etherington 48                   cow man                                   5                      -                       -

4 - Forge Cottage "Blacksmiths House"               Albert Booker 46                        master blacksmith                     10                     -                       -

6 - Gardeners Cottage                                        William Parsons            33                    ag lab carter                              5                        -                       -

7 - Wistaria Cottage                                           Thomas Stafford 74                    farm bailiff                                  2                      -                       -

                                                                        Mary Stafford 66                        laundress                                  2                      -                       -

8 - "Barn Row" Cottages                         uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                        -

                                                                        not listed                                                                                   0                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Grace 59                       ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        William Cox 28                          ag lab                                       4                      -                       1

                                                                        Stephen Bushby 60                    ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

9 - Manor House "Shepherds House"                   William Sharp 49                       shepherd                                   3                      -                       -

10 - House on Bend                                           James Mills 53                          ag lab                                       6                      -                       -

                                                                        William Hills 67                          shepherd                                   2                      -                       -

13 - "Far End"                                                    Harvey Orresmith 62                   master bookbinder                     6                      2                      -

15 - "Bay Tree" House                                        Alfred Andrews 55                      major RE retired             4                      1                        -

16 - South Sea Cottage                                      Ann Harding 71                          on own means                           2                      -                       -

17 - The Rosery                                                 Alfred Clough 29                        gen lab                                      3                      -                       -

18 - Slaters Cottages                                         William Redman 59                    ag lab                                       3                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Barnard 59                    ag lab                                       5                      -                       -

19 - Winters - "Three Crowns" Inn                        Charles Challen 45                     inn keeper                                 4                      1                      -

20 - Preston Cottage                                          George Corney  49                     rural letter carrier                        9                      -                       -

26 - North Lane Cottages                                    William Barnett  55                     farm lab                         2                      -                        -

                                                                        George Redman 72                    ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        Louisa Barnett 70                       parish relief                                2                      -                       -

                                                                        Thomas Bennett 39                    gen lab                                      6                      -                       -

27 - Elm Tree Cottage                                        William Roberts 40                     gen lab                                      8                      -                       -

28 - "York Villa"                                                 Robert Clough 73                       coal merchant                            2                      -                       -

29 - Boxtree Cottages                                        Stephen Ayling 77                      parish clerk                               6                      -                       -

                                                                        Ruful Ayling 49                          bricklayer                                  10                     -                       -

30 - "Shorewell House"                                       Sarah Farmaner 49                    dressmaker                               1                      -                       -

31 - "Lorne Villa "                                               Charles Margetts 71                   on own means                           3                      -                       -

32 - Baytree Cottage                                          William Farmaner 52                  county court bailiff                      4                      -                       -

34 - Jackmans Cottages                                     Harry Stevens 31                       rail porter                                   4                      -                       -

            "Police Station"                                     John Envers 45                          police constable                         7                      -                       -

                                                                        George Barnett  38                     gardener                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        Sylvanus Pryor 64                      retired confectioner                     5                      -                       -

35 - Louisa Villas                                               uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

            "School House"                                     John Reeve 28                           school master                            6                      1                      -

36 - Beehive Cottages                                        Thomas Barnett 42                    ag lab                                       8                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Charman  73                     ag lab                                       4                      -                       1

38 - The Homestead  "farm cottage"                    uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

39 - Homestead Cottages                                   Seth Beagle 24                          assistant teacher                       2                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 58                         ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

42 - Nelsons Cottage                                          Nelson Barnett 53                      market gardener             6                      -                        -

43 - "Coast Guard Station"                                  George Biles 49                         chief officer CG                          8                      -                       -          

                        [10 inhabited]                             William Chard 41                       comm boatman                          4                      -                       -

                                                                        Frederic Collins                          boatman                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        George Willcocks 37                  comm boatman                          6                      -                       -

                                                                        Henry Houghton 38                    seaman CG                               4                      -                       -

                                                                        Arthur Stoke 29                         CG                                           4                      -                       -

                                                                        Dan Pearce 42                           CG                                           10                     -                       -

                                                                        George Wilton 37                       comm boatman                          3                      -                       -          

                                                                        John Wood 38                           CG                                           6                      -                       -

                                                                        William Eva 33                           CG                                           3                      -                       -

45 - Sea Cottages  "Vine Cottage"                       William Ayling 43                       gardener                                    5                      -                       1

                                                                        Emma Pelham 28                      nil                                             2                      -                       -

                                                                        Eliza Mason 30                          nil                                             3                      -                       -

46 - Seaview                                                      uninhabited                                                                                0                      -                       -

53 - Union Workhouse                                        George S Harding 43                  master                                      5                      -                       -



Whole Village    62 notional Houses                                males              females             413 total

Village              46 inhabited  4 uninhabited 1 unlisted      88                     111                   199

Coastguard        10 inhabited                                           28                     24                     52                                                                    

Workhouse        1 house             governor                        3                      2                     

                                                inmates etc                    92                     65                     162

Averages for households Village 4.33                   Coastguard 5.20                        Combined 4.48


In 1891 the only new house was Far End in modern Sea Lane.  The enumerator took a logical course through the village from Preston Place south to Baytree House and then to the Sea Lane houses and back to Baytrees House to continue along the Street and then south down present day Sea Road to the sea.  The roads are not named apart from Sea Lane.