East Preston and Kingston statistics and further information (Part 3)
by R W Standing of East Preston 2004

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1901 Census                                                     occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - Groves Cottage [Bailiffs]                                 Robert Elliott 60                         farm bailiff                                  4                      1                      -

2 - Preston Place                                               RA Warren 81                            solicitor and farmer                     9                      6                      -

3 - Apple Tree & Jasmin Cottages                       Parker Mills 66                          farm carter                                 2                      1                      -

                                                                        Charles Etherington 58               farm cowman                             3                      -                       -

4 - Forge Cottage "Blacksmith Cott"                    Albert Booker 54                        blacksmith                                7                      -                       -

6 - "Gardeners Cottage"                                      William Parsons 51                    domestic gardener                     3                      -                       -

7 - Wistaria Cottage                                           uninhabited not occupied                                                            0                      -                       -

                                                                        William Bennett 38                     ag lab                                       7                      -                       -

8 - "Barn Row" Cottages                         Stephen Bushby 70                    ag lab                                       1                      -                        -

                                                                        William Parsons 43                    farm carter                                 2                      -                       -

                                                                        William Cot 38                           farm stockman                           6                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Grace 71                       farm stockman                           3                      1                      -

                                                                        uninhabited no occupation                                                          0                      -                       -

9 - "Manor House"                                              George Golds 64                        retired farm bailiff                        4                      -                       -

                                                                        James Moulding 30                    shepherd                                   7                      -                       -

10 - House on Bend                                           Charles Longhurst 35                 market gardener             4                      -                        -

                                                                        James Mills 63                          farm carter                                 4                      -                       -

13 - "Far End"                                                    Katherine Holiday 60                  on own means                           3                      2                      -

15 - "Bay Trees" House                                      Alfred Andrews                          Major Engineers ret.                   5                      1                      -

16 - "Southsea Cottage"                                     Mary E Palmer 36                      saddlers business                      4                      -                       -

17 - The Rosery                                                 uninhabited but in occupation                                                      0                      -                       -

18 - Slaters Cottages                                         Stephen Newman 34                  paper hanger                             6                      -                       -

                                                                        William Redman 69                    farm carter                                 4                      -                       -

19 - Winters - "Three Crowns" Inn                        Charles Challen 54                     inn keeper                                 4                      1                      -

20 - Preston Cottage                                          George Corney 60                      postman                                    7                      -                       -

21 - The Haven                                                   George Vickery 53                     retired piano maker                    5                      2                      -

22 - Norris Cottages  "Norrys Cotts"                    Alfred Roberts 21                       brickmaker                                2                      -                       -

                                                                        Edward Brightwell 34                  market gardener             4                      -                        -

                                                                        uninhabited not in occupation                                                      0                      -                       -

23 - Shenfield    "Norrys Nursery"                        Henry Havers 27                        market gardener             4                      2                        -

26 - North Lane Cottages                                    Thomas Bennett 49                    gen lab                                      3                      -                       -

                                                                        Louisa Barnett 80                       own means?                              3                      -                       -

                                                                        Eliza Redman 80                       own means                                1                      -                       -

                                                                        Charlotte Capel 78                     own means                                2                      -                       -

27 - Elm Tree Cottage                                        William Roberts 50                     market gardener             6                      -                        -

28 - "York Villa"                                                 George Barnett  49                     domestic gardener                     7                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Clough 83                       retired coal merchant                  2                      -                       -                                  

29 - Boxtree Cottages                                        Esther Ayling 36                        laundress                                  4                      -                       -

                                                                        Ruful Ayling 59                          bricklayers lab                           9                      -                       -

30 - Shorewell House  "Shorewell Villa"                Sarah Bushby 58                       own means                                1                      -                       -

31 - "Lorne Villa"                                                Jane Barker 67                          own means                                2                      -                       -

32 - Baytree Cottage                                          William Farmaner 61                  county court bailiff                      4                      1                      -

34 - Jackmans Cottages                                     Henry Denyer 39                        farm carter                                 7                      -                       -

                        police station                             Harry Redford 25                        police constable                         4                      -                       -

                                                                        Edwin Gent 58                           farm cow man                            4                      -                       -

                                                                        John Barnett 71                         ag lab                                       2                      -                       -

35 - Louisa Villas                                               George Biles 59                         ret. chief officer CG                    5                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Adams 33                       dom gardener                            3                      -                       -

36 - Beehive Cottages                                        Stephen Boxall 50                      farm stockman                           6                      -                       1

                                                                        Edward Andrews 40                   ag lab                                       4                      -                       -

38 - The Homestead                                           George Harding 52                     ret. workhouse master                5                      1                      -

40 - Hurdles villas [8]      [Maycot]                       John Reeve 38                           school master                            7                      1                      -                      

                                    [Sunnyside]                   Mary Rising 81                          own means                                5                      1                      -

                                    [[Haroldslea]                  uninhabited but occupied                                                            0                      -                       -

                                    [Beechwood]                 Benjamin Larbey 37                   market gardener             7                      -                        3

                                    [Fairview 1]                    in building                                                                                  0                      -

                                    [Fairview 2]                    in building                                                                                  0                      -

                                    [Littlecot]                       not in occupation                                                                       0                      -

                                    [Hurdles]                       not in occupation                                                                       0                      -

                        census error [Fairview]                William Godfrey 63                     stock broker                              5                      2                      -

42 - Nelsons Cottage                                          Frederick Waghorn 33                foreman market garden               6                      -                       1

43 - "Coast Guard Station"                                  William Amsdun 52                    chief officer CG                          7                      -                       -

                        [10 cotts]                                  Wm Vague 28                           boatman                                    1                      -                       -

                                                                        George Field 28                         boatman                                    2                      -                       -

                                                                        Richard Yealland 39                   boatman                                    5                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Chrismas                      boatman                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        Edward Hughes                         boatman                                    5                      -                       -

                                                                        George Godding 37                    boatman                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        Jesse Woolvin 28                       boatman                                    4                      -                       -

                                                                        Walter Pure 32                          boatman                                    2                      -                       -

                                                                        Robert Thompson 46                  chief boatman                            10                     -                       -

44 - Vine Cottage house occ. by lodgers              Frank O Neill 31             private tutor                               2                      -                        2

45 - Sea Cottages                                              William Ayling 53                       foreman market garden               2                      -                       -

                                                                        William Ayling 25                       market gardener             6                      -                        1

Helena Hurst 35             nil                                             7                      -                        -

46 - Seaview                                                      uninhabited family away                                                              0                      -                       -

48 - Gotellee Terrace                                          Edward Elliss 54                        brick moulder                             4                      -                       -

                                                                        Albert Booker 27                        coal merchant                            2                      -                       -

                                                                        Charles Andrews                        brickfield lab                              7                      -                       4

                                                                        James Bennett 26                      market gardener             9                      -                        2

                                                                        William Hutchinson 34                market garden manager              8                      -                       -

                                                                        George Willcocks 47                  gen lab                                      7                      -                       -

49 - Farmaner semi.                                           James Roberts 48                      brickmaker                                5                      -                       -

                                                                        John Sheppard 25                      brickfield foreman                       5                      -                       -

50 - Wooden Houses                                          Harry Reed 52                           brickmaker                                3                      -                       -

                                                                        Frank Hillyer 32                         brickmaker                                4                      -                       1

51 - Coronation                                                  uninhabited but occupied                                                            0                      -                       -

                                                                        being built                                                                                 0                      -                       -

53 - Union Workhouse                                        not obtained



Whole Village    77 notional Houses                    156 males         187 females       343 total without workhouse

Village              67 inhabited                               138                   161                   299

Coastguard        10 inhabited                               18                     26                     44

Workhouse        1 house                        

Averages for households Village 4.46       Coastguard 4.40            Combined 4.45


In 1901 many new houses had been built or were building.  There appears to be a census error with respect to William Godfrey, who was the tenant of one of the Hurdles row of villas in 1901, and one of those indicated as unoccupied was no doubt occupied by him.  The houses recently built were concentrated in North Lane, Sea Road and Manor Road.   In North Lane, the Haven, Shenfield and  Norris Cottages.   In Sea Road south of the Homestead the Hurdles row of villas eventually numbering 8.   The south end villas were built first and the Hurdles end last, John Reeve the teacher lived at the south end of the row.  Manor Road was newly constructed for the brickworks.   The houses here included the Wooden House which no longer exists, the row of six Coronation Cottages not yet built, the "Farmaner" pair on the north side of the road nearby, and the "Gotelee" terrace on the south side of the road.   Another terrace and pair of cottages followed in the next decade.

The enumerator began his tour at the south of the village by the sea at Vine or Sea Cottages, continued with Manor Road, the Hurdles villas, and so to the Three Crowns, the houses in North Lane, and then the Street west Baytrees House, went back to North Lane, and finished off with the north end of the Street at Preston Place.

Manor Road is named, but Sea Road is called Sea Lane, while present day Sea Lane is called Gilberts Lane. 



It is unfortunate that at Kingston no tenants were named for the cottages, and with rate books deficient identification of occupants at any time is problematical.   The dates at which buildings were lost and new ones built is also unclear until the end of the century.   The houses that are known, and which still exist in some fraction or other, are the two principal landowners houses of East Kingston owned by Henty, and West Kingston owned by Olliver.  The Napoleonic signal house has gone.  The nearby Lighthouse Cottage pair still exist although much enlarged.  Rose Cottage still exists in the north of the parish, and West Kingston Farm house exists in Peak Lane, although vastly altered.  A cottage at the north of Peak Lane and an evident pair of cottages on the east side of Peak Lane, near a well, have long gone.   It is unlikely that the Old Signal House was used as a cottage by Henty.

c1840 Tithes     Kingston                                  owner                                      occupier          tithe No

1 - East Kingston [old manor house]                    Samuel Henty                            Henty                47                                                                                

2 - "Old Signal House"                                        do                                             --                      63

3 - The Old Cottage  "Cottage"                            do                                             --                      50                                                                                                        

4 - Lighthouse Cottages "Two Tenements"           do                                             --                      62                    

5 - Kingston Manor or West Kingston                  George Olliver                            Olliver               11                                

6 - Rose Cottage "Cottage"                                 do                                             --                      4

7 - Cottage top of Peak Lane "Cottage"                do                                             --                      21                                                                                

8 - West Kingston Farm "Cottage"                       do                                             --                      29                                                                    

9 - Well Cottages  "Two Tenements"                    do                                             --                      33                                            

Ten houses and cottages

1841 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants          

---                                                         Edward Hazelgrove                     ag lab 55                                   2                      -

---                                                         William Langley                         ag lab 40                                   2                      -

---                                                         Thomas Belchamber                  ag lab 30                                   6                      -

5 - Kingston Manor                                 George Olliver                            yeoman 38                                 5                      3

---                                                         James Mills                               ag lab 40                                   4                      -

---                                                         Solomon Short                           ag lab 54                                   2                      -

1 - East Kingston                                   Samuel Henty                            farmer 60                                   4                      3

---                                                         Henry Kellaway                          ag lab 50                                   4                      -

---                                                         George Mills                              ag lab 40                                   8                      -

---                                                         George Searl                             ag lab 45                                   8                      -                                               


10 Dwellings      45 occupants    


1851 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

5 - Kingston Manor                                 George Olliver                            landholder farmer 50                   13                     6                        -

---                                                         Henry B...                                 coachman 30                             2                      -                        -

---                                                         Henry Charman                          ag lab 33                                   5                      -                        -

---                                                         Thomas Belchamber                  ag lab 43                                   9                      -                        2

1 - "East Kingston"                                Samuel Henty                            farmer 74                                   5                      4                        -

---                                                         Henry Kellaway                          ag lab 60                                   2                      -                        -

---         2 uninhabited

---                                                         George Searl                             shepherd 59                              4                      -                        1


7 occupied 2 unoccupied dwellings          40 occupants


1861 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

5 - Kingston Manor                                 George Olliver 60                       landed prop farmer                     11                     5                        -

--- "Kingston West"                                William Tee 47                           coachman                                 2                      -                        -

---         do                                             James Mills 60                          ag lab                                       2                      -                        -

---         do                                             Thomas Belchamber 52              carter ag lab                              7                      -                        2

1 - "East Kingston"                                Edward E Agate 28                    farmer                                       3                      2                        -

---         do                                             George Kellaway 39                   carter ag lab                              7                      -                        -

---         do                                             Thomas Clevett 38                     ag lab                                       6                      -                        -

-- "Kingston Street"                                Abraham Windsor 38                  shepherd                                   4                      -                        -

--- "East Kingston"                                 Charles Page 22                        carter ag lab                              3                      -                        1


9 dwellings                    45 occupants





1871 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

--- "East Kingston                                  Henry Leggett 57                       shepherd                                   4                      -                        -

---                                                         William Ashridge 52                   gardener                                    2                      -                        -

5 - Kingston Manor "Kingston House"      Charles Daniel 28                       servant                                      2                      2                        -

--- "West Kingston"                                Thomas Belchamber 64              ag lab                                       4                      -                        -

---                                                         John Head 62                            ag lab                                       2                      -                        -

---                                                         James Midhurst 45                     ag lab                                       4                      -                        -

---         1 uninhabited

1 - "East Kingston Farm"                        Sextus V Clarke            31                    farmer                                       4                      2                      -

--- "Cottages"                                         James Murrell 33                       ag lab                                       2                      -                        -

---                                                         James Mills 28                          ag lab                                       3                      -                        1


9 occupied   1 unoccupied dwelling                      27 occupants


1876 Map Houses

1 - East Kingston [old manor house]                                                                                                       

3 - The Old Cottage                                                                                           

4 - Lighthouse Cottages 2

5 - Kingston Manor or West Kingston                 

6 - Rose Cottage

8 - West Kingston Farm                                                            

9 - Kingston Lodge gatehouse at KM                              

10 - New Peak Lane house

Nine houses and cottages


1881 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

---                                                         Henry Leggett 66                       shepherd                                   3                      -                        -

5 - Kingston Manor "Kingston House"      William Beer 29                         gardener                                    3                      2?                        1

--- "Farm Cottages"                                Maria Belchamber 72                 nil                                             3                      -                        -

9 - "Kingston Lodge" uninhabited                                                                                                                                                                        

--- "Farm Cottage"                                  Albert Finch 52                          stockman                                  6                      -                        -

1 - East Kingston "Kingston Farm"          Charles Peachey 50                   farmer                                       7                      -                        -

--- "Kingston"                                         Ellen Blake 26                           nil                                             7                      -                        1

--- "Sea Cottage"                                    Allan Dale 35                             shepherd                                   5                      -                        -


7 occupied 1 unoccupied dwelling            34 occupants







1891 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

1 - East Kingston "Kingston Farm"          Charles Peachey 60                   farmer                                       9                      1                        -

3 - "East Kingston"                                Charles Braden  59                     carter                                        2                      -                        -

3 -        do                                             Charles Braden 28                     carter                                        4                      -                        -

--- "Shepherds House EK"                      Jacob Smith 49                          shepherd                                   5                      -                        -

--- EK                                                    John Carver 36                           ag lab                                       4                      -                        -

--- "Kingston West"                                Thomas Hills 31                         carter                                        5                      -                        -

---                                                         James Bellchamber 51               ag lab                                       1                      -                        -

--- "Kingston West"                                William Keats 50                       ag lab                                       5                      -                        -

11 - "Gardeners Cottage K House"          Henry Bowman 47                      gardener                                    2                      -                        -

9 - "The Lodge"                                      Charles Ansell 51                       coachman                                 2                      -                        -

5 - Kingston Manor "Kingston House"      uninhabited

5 -        "outhouse"                                George Macey 45                      gen lab                                      1                      -                        -

5 - Kingstom Manor part                         William Parsons 41                    gardener                                    3                      -                        -


11 occupied dwellings  1 outhouse 1 unoccupied dwelling                          43 occupants


1898 Map Houses

1 - East Kingston [old manor house]                                                                                                       

3 - The Old Cottage                                                                                           

4 - Lighthouse Cottages 2

5 - Kingston Manor or West Kingston                 

6 - Rose Cottage

8 - West Kingston Farm                                                            

9 - Kingston Lodge gatehouse at KM                              

10 - New Peak Lane house

11- Gardeners Cottage at KM

Ten houses and cottages


1901 Census                                         occupier                                  occupation                               household            servants           lodgers/boarders

5 - Kingston Manor "Kingston House"      Ellen Hurdle 45                          servant                                      3                      3                        -

11 - "Gardeners Cottage"                        Henry Bowerman 57                   gardener                                    2                      -                        -

9 - "The Lodge"                                      Charles Coleman 27                   coachman                                 2                      -                        -

1 - East Kingston "Kingston Farm"          Louisa Peachey 67                    farmer                                       6                      1                        -

8 or 10 - "Sea Cottages"                         James Belchamber 62                carter                                        1                      -                        -

8 or 10 - "Sea Cottages"                         George Denyer 53                      stockman                                  5                      -                        -

4 - "Light House Cottage"                       James Bennett 28                      cowman                                    3                      -                        -

4 - "White House Cottage"                      George Kewell 51                       shepherd                                   6                      -                        -

3 - "Farm Cottages"                               Charles Braden 69                     carter                                        6                      -                        -

6 - "Rose Cottage"                                 Thomas Hills 40                         carter                                        6                      -                        -


10 dwellings                  40 occupants

In the 1901 census, besides Kingston Manor and East Kingston, the houses named by the census can be identified largely.  Gardeners Cottage is the house of that name to the east of Kingston Manor.  The Lodge is the gate lodge of Kingston Manor.  Light House and White House both today called Lighthouse Cottages.  Rose Cottage the same as in 1840 tithes the small cottage at the north of the parish.  Farm Cottages occupied by Braden the Old Cottage south of East Kingston house.   Sea Cottages presumably the two houses on the west of Peak Lane, one which existed in 1840 and the other built in the late 19th C.  There is good anecdotal evidence for where Charles Braden and Thomas Hills lived, together with knowledge of who had the two principal houses.


Population Contrasts

A comparison of the population structure of East Preston and Kingston in the 19th century with East Preston in 1971 and the UK in 1971.

Row A:              Age cohorts 5 years

Row B:              East Preston and Kingston in 1841 to 1871, excluding the Workhouse and Coastguards, percentages.

Row C:              East Preston in 1971, percentages

Row D:              United Kingdom in 1971, percentages


                                    0-4        5-9        10-14    15-19    20-24    25-29    30-34    35-39    40-44    45-49    50-54    55-59    60-64         65-69    70-74    75 +

EP & K 1841-1871         11.85    13.18    10.28    6.53      8.22      8.71      6.53      4.11      6.17      5.08      5.56      2.78      4.35            2.54      1.81      2.30      100%

EP in 1971-81                4.01      5.17      5.47      5.05      4.06      3.31      4.05      4.18      4.14      4.68      5.00      6.84      8.56            10.77    10.70    14.00`   100%

UK in 1971                    8.15      8.38      7.57      6.91      7.66      6.60      5.88      5.70      5.95      6.32      5.91      6.02      5.77            4.90      3.63      4.66      100%


With the small figures involved in the population of East Preston, even aggregated from 1841 to 1871, the fluctuations in percentages through the age range is quite large, but in overall form East Preston had a fairly normal age structure for a rural community.  The 1841 census rounded off ages to 5 years, but is approximate for the purpose.

The age structure in 1971 for East Preston contrasts markedly, not only with the 19th century as might be expected, but also with the general pattern in the UK. The over 65 age group stands out quite obviously, even without making a graph of the results.

It will be noticed that in the 19th century East Preston had over 35% of its population under 15 years of age. Under 7% above 65 years.

In 1971-81 under 15% under 15 years of age, and over 35% above the age of 65.

For the UK in 1971 24% were under 15 years, and over 13% above the age of 65.

If the 2001 census is consulted the UK age structure will be flatter with more than 13% above 65 years of age.



Source for UK 1971 raw data Office of National Statistics 2004.


SUPPLEMENTARY:                   "East Preston village" houses in Angmering were Roundstone by the railway crossing, the gatekeepers cottage at the crossing, and Coachmans Cottage adjacent to Preston Place.  In 1901 the occupants were:

Roundstone                   Frederick W Booty         age 35              Clergyman [Curate of East Preston]

Gate House                   James Cheesman          age 56              Railway Gate Keeper

Coachmans Cottage       George  Hill                    age 62              Coachman domestic